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There are several methods of determining body fat. Everything from height and circumference to dual energy X-ray absorptiometry can be used in determining body fat percentage- with varying accuracy. The more expensive methods (dual X-ray, Body Average Density Measurements) tend to yield more accurate results, yet require special equipment and professional supervision. Most home body-fat measurement kits use Biolectrical Impedance Analysis, which, while not the most accurate, is probably the most affordable and convenient method for a person to routinely measure their body fat percent. These monitors are sometimes sold with scales.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

There are a few ways you can do this but they all have their advantages and disadvantages. 1) Have skin-folds taken, see and exercise physiologist, or maybe a doctor or personal trainer to have this done

2) bio-electrical impedance - this is those scales that display your percentage body fat

3) underwater/hydrostatic weighing - not sure where you would go for this or how much it would cost (but this is the gold standard)

4) dual energy x-ray absorpiometry - extremely expensive, and I'm pretty sure you need a doctors referral just a quick thing about body fat percentage though, it's only an estimation as it is based on a calculation and it is unlikely to be entirely correct (could be out by something like 10-15% depending on accuracy of testers etc. so if for example your body fat percentage is 25% it really means that it could really be anywhere from 10-40%).

my point being do you necessarily want to know or spend money finding this out?

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βˆ™ 13y ago

go to the doctor and ask the doctor to do it

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Go on line and search for a body mass calculator or BMI. The steps are very easy, just plug in your height and weight and the calculator will do all the work.

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What is the relative percentage of body fat to lean body tissue?

Isnt it BMI(Body Mass Index).... I could be wrong

Is there a website that can explain body fat measurement?

There are several websites that have information about the calculation of body fat, as well as BMI. Check out: AND AND

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well, check the size of her stomach. or, she could just be fat...

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You can't transplant your fat cells into another persons body. In rare cases some identical twins can share there fat cells. You can transfer your fat cells from one part of your body to a new location on your own body.

How does body fat benefir your body?

Body fat benefits your body in many ways. 1. You stay warmer in the winter time 2. You could live off of you body fat if you needed to 3. You`re nice and round ;) The list could go on and on, but the more important thing is that body fat is NOT a good thing. In fact, to be honest with you, obesity occurs when one is not eating or excercising wisely. Body fat is just human body waste that you should`ve worked off months, or even years, ago.

Where can one purchase a body fat analyzer?

You can get a body fat analyzer from Walmart, Amazon, eBay, and you should also check out sporting goods stores. The selection will be more plentiful.

What is the effective fast natural way to reduce body fat?

Cardio and core exercises

Leukemia effect on the body?

the effect was that he could not tell if the body was fat or just skinny.

How long di marijuana stay in your urine?

Depends on ur body fat. If u have high body fat it could take up to a month. The less body fat you have the quicker it could get out of your system. It depends on the kinda person you are. the THC gets stored in your body fat and that's why i said it dpends.

Does a persons weight have any relation to the percent of body fat?

Yes & no. Percent of body fat adds to your weight, but so does muscle. You could weigh 300 pounds and have 100% body fat, or a lot of muscle. See my point?

What are some unhealthy symptoms of excess body fat?

The most obvious symptom of excessive body fat is that you will look fat. If you want to check whether your body weight is unhealthy, then refer to the BMI (Body mass index) which compares your height, age and weight. Or see a doctor. They'll usually give you an honest answer.