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Q: How could you avoid getting trenchfoot?
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Trenchfoot Ltd

Can you die from trenchfoot?

Yes, if left untreated, it can turn in gangrene.

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hmmm........ Beth Trenchfoot Johnstone

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To avoid getting arrested do not commit any crimes.

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no way to avoid getting it

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A child can avoid being a farmer by learning a trait other than farming, like being an apprentice or getting an education.

Why should you avoid getting chibas?

One reason to avoid getting Chibas is because you don't like them. Another reason to avoid getting Chibas is because you have had a bad experience with them in the past.

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The best way to avoid getting a spanking from your mom for getting in trouble at school is not to get into trouble at school.

What did soldiers find in World War 1?

Death, Mud, Water, Trenchfoot, Bullets, Blood...

What was a trenchfoot in World War 1?

This was an infection of the feet caused by cold, wet and insanitary conditions

What caused trenchfoot?

the mud and the wetness in the trenches that made the soildiers in ww1`s feet rott

What problems could you avoid in life by knowing how to wash your hands?

You could avoid bacterial infections or diseases. You could also avoid getting the flu or as of late, the swine flu.Make sure you wash your hands with soap and make plenty of bubbles all over your hands because those bubbles trap the bacteria and then you wash them off with water!:)