When you sneeze, your body is saying 'shoot something went up nose or is in my system that shouldn't be there (dust/bacteria/dirt etc...) so I gotta get rid of it.
When you sneeze your body emits the ' bad stuf' along with liquid either through the nose or mouth, so don't hold in your sneezes! let em out!
There are very high chances that it is treatable if you have a red nose and when you squeeze it white stuff comes out the pores. This could be acne or rosacea both of which are curable. .
It comes out of your nose.
squeeze it
Go see a doctor.
It comes from your mouth and nose.
you have to squeeze the bone in your nose a lot
Water comes out of the nose after swimming because when a person is underwater, water can enter the nasal passages. When the person comes up for air, the water trapped in the nasal passages is expelled, causing it to come out of the nose.
Well, not really. Air comes out of your nose, though. Sometimes people talk through their nose, so then sound comes out. But the normal way to talk doesn't usually include sound coming out of your nose.
try to hold your breath and squeeze your nose.
The timula
NO! it comes from the testiclesYes, it DOES come from the testicles...However...Is someone had just received a fresh supply to the mouth and had a spontaneous fit of laughter...Yes...Sperm SOMETIMES does come from the nose.
Ikun comes from your nose in cold