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Crying or weeping (psychic tears): The third category, generally referred to as crying or weeping, is increased lacrimation due to strong emotional stress, suffering or physical pain. This practice is not restricted to negative emotions; many people cry when extremely happy. In humans, emotional tears can be accompanied by reddening of the face and sobbing-cough-like, convulsive breathing, sometimes involving spasms of the whole upper body. Tears brought about by emotions have a different chemical make up than those for lubrication; emotional tears contain more of the protein-based hormones prolactin, adrenocorticotropic hormone, and leucine enkephalin (a natural painkiller) than basal or reflex tears. The limbic system in the brain is involved in production of basic emotional drives, such as anger, fear, etc. The limbic system, specifically the hypothalamus, also has a degree of control over the autonomic system.

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14y ago
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13y ago

like it doesn't matter who sees you and no matter what you think about, whatever is making you sad comes back to mind. it feels like life should stop for the time when you are at your weakest point. No matter how you try, your heart feels like it is going to give way and burst or just explode on that moment and all you can do is be where you are and let the river of tears stream from your eyes, if they are still there from the amount of water and pain coming from them. never should anyone have to experience this kind of pain, but at some point everyone does, so maybe you know or you will. NOT that i wish this upon you. if you wanted the technical version, well, you typed the question in the wrong way.

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16y ago

crying tears is like sweating if you know what i mean. when you are hot, your skin sweats salt water to cool you down. when you are sad, your skin sweats tears via the water in your eyes to show you are really sad

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15y ago

We get sad because when we experience something something emotional like a death or a pain, are nerve's send a message to the brain. Next, the brain reports to our feelings that we aren't happy. And that's why we feel sad.

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13y ago

because when a person feel really sad and they dont want anyboday to know or dont want to tel any one, and they have no one to talk with and more sad than your brain will keep on thinking that happens( what make you cry) and than your eyes will start turn red and you will see the tears comeing out of your eyes. so when you are really upsad you will cry.

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Tears well up in people's eyes for a slew of reasons. A teardrop running down the cheek is the ultimate symbol of sadness, but people may also cry because they just cut an onion, or maybe they're trying to blink out a rogue eyelash. For the most part, tears help maintain healthy eyes, experts told Live Science.

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15y ago

We cry because when we have strong emotional feelings/pain tension builds up in part of our brain and we eventually release it by crying.

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16y ago

A cry is an sub-emotion and Happy and Sad are Emotiotions. So sub-emotions go into Emotions.

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15y ago

People cry do to what is going on.

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Why do you cry when you sad?

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No, it's, "Sad movies make her cry."

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It can be very hard not to cry if you are very sad. It is not a sign of weakness, either.

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a sad face is the symbal for sad. :( D: *cry*

What is gypsy tears?

when i get really sad i cry and gypsy tears come out nothing to happened with gypsy tears

Why do you cry when your not sad?

Crying is a reaction to emotions - happy, sad, excited, scared - all can elicit this response. I cry for joy also. Cry is good for health and do clean the eyes. Tears roll-down also when a people get an excellent news and cry out with joy. Of-course crying is a re-ation of body and mind and it's easy to recognise the sound of cry whether a person cry for happy or sad.

What is it mean to cry?

You are sad or hurt

Why person cry?

ther sad

Why do people cry when they see sad things?

they cry because they are very sentimental

How do you cry in front of your boyfriend?

first you say your sad, than say why, then cry.