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From my own experience, they are very clean. We always think of pigs being dirty,but they are not!! They go to potty in the same place each time, and never in their food area or bed/sleeping area. No fleas. They have hair, not fur. Fleas prefer fur. Also, they are virtually odorless. I've had them in the house in a litter box. They learn quiker than a puppy, but not usually as quick as a kitten. Hope this answers your question.

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When was Pot-Bellied Pigs - Dr. Katz - created?

Pot-Bellied Pigs - Dr. Katz - was created on 1995-05-28.

What is pot bellied pigs habitat?

Pot-bellied pigs are domesticated animals and are typically kept as pets in homes or on farms. They do not have a specific natural habitat in the wild as they have been selectively bred from various pig breeds. Pot-bellied pigs require a clean and spacious living environment with regular access to food, water, and shelter.

Do pot-bellied pigs get as big as regular pigs?

No they get 258X999 pounds

How do pot bellied pigs reproduce?

by making love

How big do pot-bellied pigs get?

an average of 100-125ibs

Do miniature pot-bellied pigs smell bad?

yes they do

What is another name for a pot bellied pig?

teacup pigs, micro pigs, minis, and miniature pigs

Do pot bellied pigs grow tusks?

unless if it were a boar or a warthog

Does pot bellied pigs get parvo?

Pot belly pigs can contract parvo. Parvo is a very serious condition in pigs, especially female pigs as it can have affects on the reproductive system.

How many offsprings do a pot bellied pig have at one time?

Pot-bellied pigs usually have a litter size of around 5-8 piglets, but can have anywhere from 1 to 14 piglets in a single litter.

What country do pot bellied pigs live in?

Where country does. A potbelly. Pig live in

Is there a world record for biggest pot belly pig?

As of 2021, there is no official world record recognized for the largest pot-bellied pig. However, there have been cases of pot-bellied pigs reaching weights over 300 pounds, but these are not typically encouraged as the breed standard for pot-bellied pigs is much smaller in size.