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It's possible, you can have sex and not transmit herpes. It's safer to have sex when you don't have any signs or symptoms of a break out. Also if you're taking antiviral medicatin or suppresants regularly that can further reduce your chances of passing herpes.

If you do want to get intimate with some one you should notify his person before you have sex. There is only a small chance of passing it in between break outs, which is even further reduced if you do take antiviral medication or suppressants.

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Q: How can you without transmitting herpes unprotected?
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Related questions

Who would be a risk of herpes?

Someone who is having unprotected sex would be at risk for contracting herpes. Oral herpes can also be transmitted by contact with the infected area.

Can you get herpes from someone on drugs?

You can get herpes from someone who has the infection. It can affect drug users and abstainers.

Is it possible for your boyfriend to get herpes from you even though you just found out you have it weve been having unprotected sex for 3 months?

Absolutely! But just because you have herpes does not guarantee that he will get it.

Does waka flocka have herpes?

an Atlanta groupie claimed after having unprotected sex with the rapper that she contracted genital herpes Waka Flocka never spoke on behalf of he incident

During sexual intercourse is it easier to get herpes or is it easier to get pregnant during ovulation?

Both are as equally likely when having unprotected sex.

What types of herpes can you get from a blood tranfusion?

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) and cytomegalovirus (CMV) are two types of herpes viruses that can be transmitted through blood transfusions. HSV can cause cold sores and genital herpes, while CMV can cause symptoms similar to mono. It is important for blood donors to be screened to minimize the risk of transmitting these viruses through blood transfusions.

Could you have an STD if you noticed a spot on the side of your penis about six months after having unprotected sex?

yeah it could be worts it could be herpes, go to a doctor

How are cummunicable diseases curable?

Answer Some diseases are curable some aren't. Aids has no cure, Herpes can be controlled but it can't be cured, I'd be careful with whom you have unprotected sex with.

How do you avoid pregnancy without consulting a doctor?

By not having unprotected sex.

How can an individual with herpes still maintain a healthy lifestyle?

Herpes is a virus that can appear either in the mouth area or in the genital area (HS-1 or HS-2). It causes the development of blisters that tend to scab over and heal with time (typically a few days.) It is not deadly. However, it is not curable either. People simply have to live with it. People who have Herpes can lead relatively normal lives. The issue of Herpes would only really come up under certain circumstances. For example, when people with Herpes have outbreaks, it can be both psychologically and physically uncomfortable. Herpes sores that appear in the mouth tend to be visible and thus makes the person uncomfortable. It is not recommended that people with visible mouth blisters kiss someone, as it is possible to transmit the virus this way. The issue of genital sores is equally uncomfortable as it may affect the sex lives of those infected and their partners. Again, the virus can be transmitted sexually. Most doctors would recommend that herpes patients refrain from unprotected sex during herpes outbreaks. Furthermore, studies have suggested that people can also transmit the virus to others even when obvious blisters are not present. Bottom line--there is no absolutely safe time for a herpes patient to have unprotected sex without risking infecting a partner.

Do you need to take medication if you have herpes?

No, taking medication is optional when you have herpes. Patients may choose to take medication to help with the discomfort of outbreaks and shorten their duration. They may also take medication daily to reduce the number of outbreaks and the possibility of transmitting the infection to partners.

Can you have antibodies for herpes without actually having the virus?

Yes, it is possible to have antibodies for herpes without actually having the virus. Antibodies can be present in the body as a result of previous exposure to the virus or through vaccination.