The most known medicine is Penicillin.
Well some molds can create types of medicine like penicillin. That type of medicine is made from the mold on bread.
It depends on the medicine. You should see your primary care physician and speak to him/her about what medicine you'd like to take, and if it would effect your mold allergy.
Mold is common in most medicine but i don't approve of smelling it
Mostly in medicine there is Penicillin; Which is a type of mold and some drugs :(
food such as cake and its rittens medicine and spoils fruits
Characteristics of someone with a mold allergy are a it can make you cough, make your eyes itch and cause other symptoms that make you miserable. For more information go to...
manicure set, metal mirrors, makeup, mold medicine, medicine cabinet
You can use mold in many ways. Seen as there are more than one definitions, I will use one of them.The food had white mold growing on it.
No. Bread mold grows on bread, hence the name.
No, it is not safe to use a cup that has mold on it. Mold can be harmful if ingested and can also be difficult to completely clean from the cup. It is best to discard the cup and use a new, clean one.
molds are not formed by dog's urine report from AHA medicine molds are not formed by dog's urine report from AHA medicine