You just tell him you feel a bit neglected. You want him to at least show you that he cares for you like he says he does. If he says you're asking for too much or he argues about it with you, HE IS NOT WORTH IT! He's still immature and only thinking of himself. If you just want to stick around and "Wait" until he matures, you could be stuck for years and years with a sucky relationship with a boy who doesnt treat you the way you deserve. Trust me, I know from experience!
I do not have a boyfriend !! I know the longest relationship I had was 7 years! He cheated on me :(
yes they do ...some times.
Any relationship can last if you make time for each other and you try to make it work.
However long it takes for something to go wrong in the relationship?
NO WAY if you broke up with him feel will power
A good relationship has good communication skills so yes, you should tell him how you feel. If you are on and off with him then neither of you are addressing the problems in your relationship and you are going to have to discuss the fact you don't like living this way and it's either and on relationship and you work at it or kick him to the bricks.
It probably means that you are unconsciously troubled about your last relationship.
Wow, You seem to have a big problem well my advice to you is cut off all communication with your Ex because it will ruin things in your existing relationship, Your boyfriend will be tense because he is probably scared you will leave him for your Ex and ofcourse talking about your Ex would make him upset that is your past and that is were it should be left.
Its only fine if you feel that they pose no threat to your relationship. I was going out w/ my last boyfriend and i only hangout w/the guys even though I'm a girl. i dumped my last boyfriend because he would not let me hangout w/anyone but him. so let your girlfriends hang out w/other people or most likely you are going to get dumped.
a boyfriend is entitled to anything that he has given you during the relationship, or anything of his that is in your possesion from the last time you were together, however if it was a serious relationship, chances are, he's not going to rob you of those items, thus robbing you of your memories together
Depending on WHAT is causing the distance,your age and the nature of your relationship, you need to address it first with the boyfriend and then either need to split up or seek counseling. Relationships take work all the time. The best thing to do is talk to your boyfriend by telling him you feel the relationship is at a stand still and getting stale. See if he is as interested in improving it as much as you are. Go armed with suggestions of what you think can be doen. If he is not keen to the idea or open to suggestions maybe you need to rethink the relationship.
it depends on you and him it can work out when it happens its not that easy. it depends if the relationship works out but you will have fights and break up a couple of times.