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Having "a lot" could mean one of two things. Too much iron will make you extremely sick, even if you are only slightly above what you need; the signs are fairly obvious. Otherwise, there is a wide range of values that are considered safe or okay for iron in the body, and what is too much for someone else may be the normal for you.

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Q: How can you tell if your body has a lot of iron in it?
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The amount of iron in the body is primarily regulated by the hormone hepcidin, which helps control the absorption of iron from the intestines and the release of iron from storage in the body. Hepcidin levels are influenced by factors such as iron levels in the blood, the body's need for iron, and inflammation.

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Iron is part of the haemoglobin molecule. Oxygen binds with iron to be transported around the body.

Where does the iron on the body go?

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What creates the loss of iron in anemia?

There are several things that can cause the human body to lose iron. Blood loss, a lack of iron in your diet, and an inability to absorb iron are all causes to losing iron. Pregnancy can also cause your body to lose iron.

What does the reactivity series tell about the iron?

The characterization of iron is "react with acids".

How does the body get rid or excess iron?

The body primarily gets rid of excess iron through a protein called ferritin, which stores and releases iron as needed. When iron levels are high, the body can also regulate absorption in the intestines to prevent excess iron intake. In cases of extreme excess, the body can excrete iron through urine or bile.