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They will be alert, eyes will have a shine as well as their coats, healthy cattle will have a good appetite and regular cud chewing.

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Q: How can you tell if the cows are healthy?
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What can cows do to help the investment?

Eat, stay healthy, & succesfull breed to produce more cows to sell.

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yes because i can give healthy bones

Are they healthy in South Korea?

the people? yes. the chickens? yes. the cows? yes.

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keeps their digestive system healthy jusy like humans.

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How do you know when a cows mouth is healthy?

If she's eating regularly, chewing food without trouble and not loosing weight, and her gums and teeth appear healthy, then her mouth will be healthy.

Are fat cows healthy?

What most consider to be "fat" on a cow--being a large, rotund belly--is in fact not being fat at all. When a cow has a round abdomen and is eating, behaving and eliminating wastes normally, then that "fat" cow is indeed healthy. But, there still can be truly fat cows, and those cows are those that have fat deposits over their ribs, pelvic areas and deposits in the brisket (part in front of the chest with loose skin) and rump. Fat cows are those cows that have so much fat that ribs cannot be felt and the pelvic area is not seen, and such cows are not exactly what us humans would consider healthy cows. Obese cows can have problems with lactation and reproduction (including infertility and difficulty in birthing), which would compromise their own well being.

Why do you need to feed cows corn?

Cows do not eat corn in their natuaral diet. They eat grass. Cows are being fed corn because it is cheap and plentiful. Because corn is not a natural food for cows, they need help digesting it and are fed antibiotics to keep their digestion healthy.

How can you tell if an ecosystem is healthy?

"How could you decide if an ecosystem is healthy or not? "

Is rice milk a healthy cows milk alternative?

Rice milk can be a good alternative to cow's milk for individuals who are lactose intolerant or have dairy allergies. However, it is lower in protein and often higher in carbohydrates compared to cow's milk. It is important to choose a fortified rice milk option to ensure you are getting essential nutrients like calcium and vitamin D.

How is the culture of India reflected in the idea of the sacred cow?

The sacred nature of the cow in Hindu reflects the importance of the cow to Indian culture. Indians rely on cows as work animals and to provide them with milk, so keeping cows alive and healthy in turn keeps them alive and healthy.