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The obvious thing you will see is usually the sleeping person walking. Note that the person's eyes are open when they sleepwalk. They may do strange things, like mutter inaudible words or even cook a meal. The best thing you can do is just gently tell them to go back to bed, and they will do so.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Well. Their pupils are smaller than the regular size. So open the persons eyes with your finger and see if their pupils are small. If you don't know the difference between small and normal pupils just look into a persons eyes and you will know what they look like when they're normal (make sure the persons eyes your looking in is awake!) Then look into eyes of a person sleeping then compare them. And THAT'S how you know if someone is sleeping! :D

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βˆ™ 15y ago

They could be...........


-staying in place not moveing around and fliping everywhere.

-some people talk in there sleep. (so they wont be talking LOL)

-they wont be moveing there fingers BUT they r still breathing LOL

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βˆ™ 14y ago

When someone is in REM sleep, the only type of sleep to have dreams, the eyes will be closed but can be seen darting around under their eyelids.



eyes moving



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βˆ™ 16y ago

there breathing should be relaxed. If you try to speak to them, they should not respond. there eyes should not be clinched shut, but relaxed.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Look for random muscle spasms in their hands or legs in the beginning sleep stages and heavy breathing in the latter.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

When the heart beat slows down to a calm state, and their breathing is slow and rhythmic.

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Q: How can you tell if someone is in deep sleep?
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Is rem sleep deep?

3/13/2012 jhh: REM sleep is NOT deep sleep. In fact, it is the lightest stage of sleep. In order from awake to deep sleep: AWAKE, REM, LIGHT, DEEP. Deep sleep and REM sleep are the most important stages though. Light sleep doesn't do much for you. Deep replenishes your body, while REM replenishes your mind. Older answer (not accurate): Yes. It is the deeper form of sleep that we experience during our sleep cycle, rem sleep is where dreaming occurs But not the deepest sleep, which would be delta. That's where, unless your a mother and hear your baby cry, you are oblivious to your environment.

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i have had similiarexperiences. it has felt like someone is touching me while i am awake sometimes. i think that we are asleep but we are not in a deep sleep so therefore we think we are awake. i also believe that the reason we experience that is because that is an emotion we are needing.

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If someone is not able to sleep, they should go watch television for a short amount of time and be off to bed later on. If it has to do something with dreams, take deep breathes and forgot about everything your thinking about, and get in a comfortable position.