he thought hard about it while you were refusing to tell him.
well tell him u like him when ur dressed all hot and sexy
I would tell your bisexual friend that even though its hard to tell them but you have to because you're his friend. then nicely tell them that the other guy isn't interested and that there are better people out there for him.
There's a guy dressed as a corn dog in the music video hot and coldof course that might be it
The best way to tell him is just to tell it to his face, but It may seem very hard, it's the best thing to do.
yes in her new single.You and I she is dressed up as a man.
You have to tell him the truth it may be hard but he might be thankful for it and he can change
I'm not gay, so I don't exchange stares with guys. Its only hard for a guy to tell a girl he likes her if he doesn't like you.
I have no idea what went on in your dream, so I can't tell you.
You could tell him that it would be hard for u to d8 if he wuz dating her
its hard belive me i cant even tell the guy i like its been 2yrs