you can tell by the motion to which he makes love and how slow and tender his hands crawl around your body how high he scream your name and how much times he says he love you when looking into your eye most times time they cry when doing so
I love you
He's most likely havin an affair tell his wife
Not making light of your feelings love usually consists of actually knowing the person. If you do know them you do not have to actually tell someone that you love them to know in your heart you do.
tell him you love him if he says gross try to make a joke out of it.
Probably not. He probably means just what he said. He loves sex.
Tell him, tell the truth dont get your friend to tell him you tell him tell the truth
Tell him exactly how you feel, just awnser the question, if you love him then tell him why you love him, if you dont then tell him, dont lead him on
Tell him in words say I Love You
you tell her that you love her then kiss you her
Yes,he does know we love him he can tell from heaven he's the man who can walk on water so he can tell we love him.
There is a difference between making love and having sex. When a man wants to make love, he wants to connect with you and is not out to just please himself. It is not about the act itself, but is about intimacy.