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Q: How can you stop your teeth from decaying?
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What is the cause of tooth decay problem in Germany?

See the problem either in Germany or at any place is the same,Improper brushing of teeth.When the food accumulates between the teeth it starts decaying and lead to to teeth decaying with it.

How does the soda affect your teeth and what does the soda has in your teeth?

The sugar in it sticks to your teeth. if not brushed, then in starts to acumulate bacteria and begins decaying your teeth, commonly in the crevises of your teeth. The decay creates a hole after a while also called as a cavity.

At what point do isotopes stop decaying?

Isotopes do not stop decaying. The process of radioactive decay continues until the isotope reaches a stable state, which could be a different isotope or a non-radioactive element. The rate of decay can vary depending on the specific isotope.

How do you stop apples from decaying?

Put them in water with some lemon juice

What is the six letter term for decay?

It could be caries, which usually applies to the decaying of teeth. Or it could be "rotten".

How do you stop teeth that are growing to stop hurting?

you should take it to a vet to get the teeth trimed

Do wood lice have teeth?

Woodlice do not have teeth. They have specialized mouthparts that help them break down decaying vegetation for food. Instead of teeth, they use these mouthparts to scrape and chew their food.

How does smoking effect your teeth?

they get stained with tar wich is a dark brown stain. your gums start decaying also.

Why are dentists available?

Dentists help by making sure a person has clean and healthy teeth and gums. They diagnose and treat problems and provide preventive care.

What is argon important for?

In packagin crisps to stop oxygen decaying them, and in light bulbs to stop the oxygen eroding the tungsten filament faster.

My donkey's breath literally smells like rotting meat. Is this normal?

No this is not normal, the animal probably has rotting or decaying teeth. Your veterinarian should be contacted to float (or file) the teeth down.

Why do your teeth stop growing?

you teeth stop gowing when you have switched out every one of them