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Q: How can you stop your mouth from drying out when you sleep?
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How do you stop biting my lip in my sleep?

When you go to sleep put something on your mouth like a mouth guard or something so when you try to bite your lips the mouth guard isn't sharp enough too hurt the inside of your mouth. It might be silly to wear, but hey no ones seeing you wear it at night!

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Put gum in your mouth and fall to sleep. Simple as that.

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Why do people snor?

because of there sinices and mouth drying up

Will a septoplasty help stop snoring?

Depending on the cause, surgery will stop snoring. However, most have sleep apnea and for that you'll need a c-pap--which can work wonders. Go for a sleep study to determine what the best route is.

Were do worms sleep?

worms sleep in your mouth. The y climb in when you are sleeping and they sleep with you.

Do people who sleep with there mouth open get spiders in there mouth?

yes 7 on average for people who sleep with their mouth closed, they just eat more of them... :D

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Close your mouth when you sleep

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What has a mouth but no teeth and has a bed but dose not sleep?

A river has a mouth and a bed.

How do you stop drooling in your sleep?

You might stop drooling in your sleep if you sleep on your back. Most people who drool in their sleep are laying on their side or on their stomach.

Is it possible to sleep with your mouth closed?

If you find yourself breathing through your mouth, close your mouth and try to consciously breathe through your nose. Elevate your head during sleep. Before you go to sleep, put an extra pillow below your head. Raising the height of your head while you sleep may help keep your mouth from opening.