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Here's how:

  • Get enough sleep! Kids and teens need 10-12 hours of sleep every night in order to feel alert and smart in school.
  • Eat the right foods! Stay away from junk food, because it gives you a "sugar rush" that will wear off after 15-20 minutes and then leave you feeling even more tired than before.
  • Stay away from "energy drinks!" First, they wear off after 15-20 minutes and leave you more tired than before -- even the "Five Hour" drinks will "drop" you once they wear off. Second, they have massive amounts of sugar, which is bad for you. Third, they are very hard on the stomach -- I've seen kids who developed ulcers from drinking too many of those things (I work in a pharmacy).
  • Exercise! Your body actually feels more alert right after you exercise than it does if you don't exercise at all -- this sounds backwards, but the body needs movement in order to function properly.
  • Breathe! Taking deep breaths helps get more oxygen to the brain, and makes you feel more alert -- this is why we yawn.
  • Drink a glass of water! I know, it sounds weird, but it does wake you up, especially if it's cold water.
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Q: How can you stay awake when it's really late and you start to fall asleep?
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If you want to go to sleep faster, you just have to try and stay awake. It's like a reverse thing. Try it out. It actually works.

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no way in the morning you would fall asleep so there is no reason why

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You can't. After two or three days, your body will make you fall asleep.

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You really are tired

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At night you are extremely tired but cannot fall asleep when you can fall asleep you usually wake up several times throughout the night what is wrong with you?

You have stayed up too late the last night and slept in too much the last morning. That keeps you awake. Or you are an insomniac which you can get medicine for that's what I am you should really look into it

Can you fall asleep the next day if you have kept awake all night?

your rhythm is disturbed so it may not go easy, or it does because you kept awake all night. But it may no problem

What are side effects to a male after he has sex?

Melatonin is released, which is the hormone that induces sleep. If he really wants to, he can stay up, keep himself awake, but it is very easy to fall asleep afterwards. nothing else I can think of.

What happens if you fall asleep all day?

Your sleep cycle will be messed up and you will most likely be awake through most of the night.

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the same way you don't fall off your bed you may be asleep but your mind is always awake and going if you or the bird feels a slight imbalance in your body as in a falling motion you shall wake up as simple as that

How do you make sleeping potions?

you cant really make sleeping potions. you can make someone (or yourself) fall asleep by watching a really boring boring movie late at night and you will fall asleep :)