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Well, I hear Move Along by: The All-American Rejects; Here listen to it.

Many relations at younger years can be catagorized in being in either one of three stages. 1=love and searching for an idealized love where one feels in a fog and doesnt make rational thoughts. 2- gleaning understanding about the relationships that worked and losing an ideal version of a mate and finding charastics that work 3- moving on and choosing people who work for you from what you feel in your mind.

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Q: How can you put your past relationships behind you and move on?
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The past form of "put" is "put" and the past participle is also "put."

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The past tense of "put" is "put" and the past participle is also "put." For example: "I put the book on the shelf" (past tense) and "I have put the book on the shelf" (past participle).

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