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Cover your entire body in condoms. j

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Q: How can you prevent yourself from getting influenza?
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You can prevent getting these sicknesses by not exposing yourself to the rain and also by taking daily vitamins.

Can homeopathy prevent influenza attack?

Not as far as we know.

What the basic mechanism of vaccine?

To allow your immune system to recognize the modified virus to prevent yourself from getting the virus yourself

How can you prevent yourself from getting pregnant without using drugs or condoms?

By not having sex.

Can vaccination against influenza prevent pneumonia?

Yearly vaccination against influenza can decrease the risk of pneumonia for certain patients

Can three basic food groups prevent swine flu?

Diet will not prevent the transmission of any influenza.

What is it called when you don't eat to prevent yourself from getting fatter?

eating disorder. anorexia nervosa

How do you get hacked?

To prevent getting hacked, keep all the login info (email, password..) to yourself

What is la iv vaccines?

Live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) is a type of influenza vaccine in the form of a nasal spray that used to be recommended to prevent influenza.