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hit yourself HARD with a brick.

first bend over so that ur knees reach ur chest, then breath as fast as u can for 10 seconds, then take in 1 deep breath and hold it while u stand up really fast, then take ur hands and place them on each side of ur treacia where u normally feel for ur pulse but on both sides push inwards and hold it, u'll be unconciouss in a few seconds. oh make sure u land on something soft cause ur more likely to fall backwards.

hope this helps.

from The Untold Secret

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15y ago
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11y ago

To pass out crouch down and put your hands between you legs and breath normally for 10 seconds then stand up very quickly and squeeze the air out the air in your lungs but don't let any out. After that you will feel like the room has gone black and will wake up not knowing where you are.

P.S This feels really cool and is the only thing that makes you feel drunk that has minimal harm. If you try it, it is recommended that you have friends with you to catch you.

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15y ago

<b><i> If There A Girl, Squeeze there wrist until they cry, if a boy squeeze there dick

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13y ago

you can make yourself pass out without hurting yourself by.... not breathing well, fainting, or maybe even taking a medication you didnt know what it was that may have expired

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