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well i think that if yall were in LOVE then he'll be back

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15y ago

you can apologize or do a lot of nice things for the person.

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Why did you break up in the first place, would those reasons still be there?

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bite his penis off:-)))

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Q: How can you make someone love you again?
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Does it make someone heartless to breakup with someone that loves them?

No, if love is not there for one person, it is harder in the long run but not heartless to break it off. The good thing about love is it can be felt again and again.

How do you make someone love you again?

getting him or her good way is to make them see what they do not have anymore. such as making them jelous.

How will you make someone fall in love for you again?

Show them that you want them back by sending them a nice email

How do you make your father fall in love?

Answer You cannot make someone, anyone, fall in love. They either fall in love with someone or they do not.

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You cant MAKE someone love you for who you are.

When someone ditch you can you again love someone in your life?

yep, in a few weeks or so

When was You'll Never Make Love in This Town Again created?

You'll Never Make Love in This Town Again was created in 1996.

HOW to make someone love you?

Unfortunately, I have found out in this life that there is no such thing as being able to 'make someone love you'. Love is something that is either there, or it isn't. It doesn't matter what you do or say, if someone does not love you on their own, you cannot make them do so.

How do you get him to talk to you again?

you don't, love is not something you can force someone to do or get them to do. if you are wanting some one to love you AGAIN, maybe they didnt in the first place. find someone that will love you unconditionally

Is there a spell that can make someone fall in love with you all over again?

Use perfume a mild one every time you meet him/her... 😁

How do you make your girlfriend fall in love with you again and again?

Impossible to MAKE someone love you,its something you feel not something you do.That being said you can try to keep love alive by making her feel good about herself when she's with you and let her know she's the most important person in your life and you'll always be there for her but even that doesn't insure that she will be in-love with you always but she will always have love for you as a person.

How do you make your girlfriend fall in-love with you again and again?

Impossible to MAKE someone love you,its something you feel not something you do.That being said you can try to keep love alive by making her feel good about herself when she's with you and let her know she's the most important person in your life and you'll always be there for her but even that doesn't insure that she will be in-love with you always but she will always have love for you as a person.