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As most unauthorized disclosures are the result of employee mistakes or misadventure (which range from simply dropping the wrong paper on the wrong office floor to eavesdropping or gossiping), you'll likely get the best bang for your confidentiality buck by training your people. As privacy training is now mandated under federal law, it's not as hard as it used to be to get a training budget together -- that's the good news. The bad news is that most current HIPAA training is not so much aimed at informing as it is covering all compliance requirements, so the training is often vapid and repetitive. Take some time and pick the right course. Make sure that what the curriculum covers isn't just CYA but also common sense approaches to privacy. You'll know them when you see them; they'll make sense :} The other keystone in this is, the more your staff (or teammates) see the patients as people instead of objects, the better confidentiality will work. In medicine, and especially in certain specific areas of medicine, healthy psychology requires a certain degree of detachment from the patient -- this is why surgeons are cautioned about operating on family members -- detachment may not be possible. However, this is a hard thing to turn on and off. Consider how careful you might be with your relative's secrets, and then compare it with your clients and -- if you're honest -- you'll likely see a difference. When we humanize the patient, confidentiality and appropriate support services are far more easy to obtain. Note that in-depth analyses and procedures that cover all aspects of hosptial operations are available now, as a product and a service -- and often at a significant price -- that address these issues. I've merely focused here on what I believe to be the most crucial and also the most easioly obtainable improvement.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

The privacy of the patient can be maintained in the following ways:

1. By talking to the patient alone in the OPD or in the General Ward.

2. By handling the file safely, keeping only the necessary access to it.

3. By providing screens while doing procedures in a general ward.

4. By disscussing about the patient to the professional people.

The dignity of the patient can be maintained in the following ways:

1. By addressing the patient as Mr/Mrs with his name.

2. By responding to the patient's call at once.

3. While talking about the patient to others addressing him with his name and not his bed number.

4. Explaining to the patient about the things he cannot understand clearly with patience.

5. Respecting his religious and cultural values and practices.

6. Treating him as a human being with need and help him out.

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