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  • Drink a mix of bizzare things like coke, hotsauce, potatoe starch, and all kinds of crazy things
  • Go to a REALLY heavy metal concert and SCREAM! (Next morning you should have a lost voice)
  • Drink something that will really burn your throat
  • Get sick
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13y ago
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14y ago

You don't deliberately 'break' your voice, it is something that happens naturally as part of puberty in boys. as you go through puberty your vocal chords grow longer and the tone of your voice gets lower and changes from the high pitched voice of a boy to the deep voice of a man.

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15y ago

SCREAMMM!! take your pillow (hopefully you have one) and scream as loud as you can into it. do so for 30 minutes straight and either drink NOTHING afterwords or ice cold water.

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13y ago

1. scream into a pillow for a long time

2. talk a lot

3. sleep with your mouth open

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13y ago

You can drink lemon juice then scream and repeat until you feel your voice get scratchy. Scream into your pillow lots!

Scream until your throat hurts.

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13y ago

Just scream into Your pillow a lot and within an hour Your voice will be completely shot to pieces. Or just don't stop talking for ages.

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9y ago

yell a lot. go to sleep with your mouth open. go upside down and cough or scream. try not to drink water when you are doing all of this :)

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How can you lose your voice for a prank?

The only way possibly to lose your voice is by either yelling loudly, or going through your period where your voice intends to change its pitch. It is in this time that you are likely to lose your voice for a short period of time. but to lose your voice for a prank is not possible.

How can you loose your voice?

Hey, here's how to loose your voice: Well, voice loss is hard to get on purpose, but it happens when there is damage to the vocal folds. A way that you can lose your voice is to get a cold, for example, many doctors have found that colds, such as runny noses. I don't have much more information, but I hope this helped! :)

Loss of voice for 2 weeks?

The medical condition where you lose your voice is called laryngitis. This is an inflammation of the voice box and often mimics the common cold until you lose your voice.

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They lose there say, they lose there voice in society!

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the more you make noise the more you lose your voice

Why does laryyngitis causes people to lose their voice?

It is inflammation of the larynx which is your "voice box"

If you can sing but you don't sing that often and is shy to sing in front of people would you lose your singing voice?

NO! you will NEVER lose ur singing voice! u might get horse or lose ur voice but it wont harm ur singing!

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