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your ligaments will be streching so it will hurt were they are at such as shoulders, elbows, ankles and your hip bone.

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Q: How can you know when your having a growth spurt?
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Related questions

How do I know if already hit my growth spurt?

You will know that you have already hit your growth spurt if you are at least 21 years of age.

What are a few signs of a growth spurt?

Once you are 21 years of age, then know that this is one sure sign of a growth spurt.

What is the definition of a mid growth spurt?

In our adolescence years we have a growth spurt, but during our juvenile years we only have a small growth spurt therefore we call it a "mid growth spurt" as it is not fully a growth spurt seen in that of adolescence.

How do you know when you finished your growth spurt?

When your between 18 to 21.

Can your growth spurt comes late?

Your puberty growth spurt will happen depending on when you started puberty. If you started puberty late then your growth spurt will be late.

What can help boost your growth spurt?

Eating healthy can help to boost your growth spurt.

What causes your arms and legs to hurt?

When do boys hit there growth spurt?

i don't know i haven't hit mine yet :(

Does every female have a growth spurt?

Every female does have a growth spurt and there are usually two different ones that will happen during puberty. The first one is the height spurt and the second one is the weight spurt.

How does a growth spurt happen?

it depends.Usually a girl has her growth spurt about 10yrs-12yrs.A boy would have it about 12yrs and over.

How do you know when a girl started puberty?

She has a big growth spurt and her chest begins to become tender

What actors and actresses appeared in Growth Spurt - 2014?

The cast of Growth Spurt - 2014 includes: Christina Vinsick as Terra