

Best Answer

Pour salt on your gums every time you bite, the pain will teach you not to. That's what my mom taught me... Or every time you do eat spicy food. You'll eventually learn to not do it anymore.

On the lighter side:

Or else you'll learn to love spicy food!

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Q: How can you keep from chewing on the inside of your mouth?
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What assists in the proper chewing of foods?

Tongue- The tongue actually pushes the food around inside the mouth, placing it between the teeth for chewing.

Does chewing gum help people from biting their mouth?

If you move your mouth from side-to-side, when you are chewing fun, it promotes the chance of you biting your mouth. Though if you don't, then it helps train you to keep your mouth chewing in one place. So it does help you not bite your mouth if you don't chew randomly or up-and-down.

Mechanical digestion in the mouth what is it?

Mechanical digestion in the mouth is the process of chewing the food by the teeth with the help of saliva. The whole process taking place inside the mouth. The process is called "mastication."

Can chewing gum help your breathing while you run?

Some do enjoy the ability to chew gum in their mouth while running. It allows them to keep their mouth moist and prevent cotton mouth

What is chewing with your mouth opened called?

chewing like a cow

Can you get nerve damage from chewing your cheeks on mdma?

You can get all kinds of nerve and brain damage from MDMA. Chewing the inside of your cheeks can cause a host of problems as well, including infections and mouth cancer.

Why do footballers spit?

they use chewing tobacco and u have 2 spit it out

How are enzyms similar to chewing and how are they different?

enzymes and chewing are part of your mouth

How does chewing gum sticks on the outside of the face when it doesn't sticks inside?

Because gum doesnt stick to wet surfaces. the inside of your mouth is wet whereas the outside is dry.

Is a platypuses mouth used for chewing?

describe their mouth and teeth

What does chewing food require?


Is chewing with your mouth open bad manners?

Yes, chewing with your mouth open is very poor etiquette. A person should always chew with their mouth closed; swallow the food and then they can open their mouth.