Pick up trash whenever you see it, get involved with your neighbors. Group together for a big neighborhood improvement project like cleaning, or painting an old building or structure, paint over graffiti, start a community garden.
Smile at your neighbors and members of your community, say good morning, ask them how they're doing.
Its important to keep your home beautiful.
We can help maintain cleanliness in our community by cleaning the enviroment and recycling the materials that we can use
Wash them
Maintain the cleanliness of the bathrooms. Replace light bulbs, maintain the cleanliness of the mall by sweeping.
Muslims must maintain cleanliness. In Islam, cleanliness is considered half of faith. Muslims must maintain clean bodies, clean surroundings, clean hearts and minds, clean language - cleanliness should be in all aspects of our lives. If a person refuses to maintain cleanliness, then it is because of their deficiency in following the commandments of Islam to maintain cleanliness.
Employ and train hotel cleaning staff and monitor that they do what they should to keep the hotel clean to international standards.
At all times!
Cloth diapers should be changed every 2-3 hours to maintain cleanliness and prevent irritation.
Cloth diapers should be changed every 2-3 hours to maintain cleanliness and prevent irritation.
Exercise, fresh air, good healthy food. Get your vaccinations and see a doctor regularly. Wash your hands, maintain your cleanliness.
No, penguins do not have a strong odor as they have a layer of feathers that help keep them clean and odor-free. Additionally, they are known to preen themselves regularly to maintain their cleanliness.
Cause cleanliness is next to Godliness