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There should not be pain with bowel elimination. Some people may have hemorrhoids that cause discomfort, but it should not be painful. If it is, then you should consult a health care professional.

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Q: How can you have a bowel movement without pain?
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How many days without a bowel movement means a person is constipated?

Bowel habits vary, but an adult who has not had a bowel movement in three days or a child who has not had a bowel movement in four days is considered constipated.

Does not having a bowel movement cause lower back pain?

It can cause lower back pain but not always

What can I do to avoid fecal impaction?

Make sure you eat a diet high in fiber. Monitor bowel movements and if you notice bowel pain or that significantly more time has passed than usual without a movement contact the doctor.

Why do you wince when you have a bowel movement?

Having a bowel movement can cause discomfort or even pain, especially if your stool (bowel movement; feces) is harder than usual. "BMs" should be formed, but soft. Those exit without much difficulty. But if you don't drink enough water, the BM can feel hard, jagged, and is harder to push out. Also, gas in the intestines, and normal peristalsis (muscles moving in the intestines), both can cause discomfort or even cramp-like pain. Of course, gassy pain often accompanies having a bowel movement because the intestines are hard at work to push out the feces. Rubbing your belly, or putting a heating pad against your belly, can help relieve gassy pain. If pain is severe, occurs frequently, or you see blood in the toilet, consult your doctor.

What would cause pain the left testicle after having bowel movement?

When you see your doctor this week, he or she will tell you.

Small cracklike sore in the skin of the anus that can cause severe pain during a bowel movement?

Anal Fissures

what causes you to have a short bowel movement?

what causes your bowel movement to be short in length

Where does the human bowel movement come from?

The human bowel movement typically begins in the intestines. The bowel movement then moves through the colon and finally out of the sphincter.

How long can an adult go without have a bowel movement?

How long is a piece of string?

Frequent bowel movement?

Frequent bowel movement is a condition that happens when you have diarrhea,irritable bowel disease or lactose intolerance

Can you be pregnant and have a bowel movement?

Hmm yes you can be pregnant and have a bowel movement but if you really wanted to ask if you can have a bowel movement while giving birth that answer is yes as well.