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Q: How can you grown taller at age of 18?
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Related questions

How to stop growing taller?

There is no way to stop growing taller. You will stop growing usually around the age of 18.

What Age when girls stop growing taller?

it depends on the person but it can sometimes be from 15 - 18

Why does body mass start to level out at age 18 in females and males?

because their body chromosones require their body mass to stop at this age. males are taller because of their xy chromosones and therefore are taller but body mass still blocks at 18.

Why have horses grown taller?

Because they do.

Can a person get matured after 18?

No you are not fully grown until the age of 25.

When does a girls height stop growing?

When she is a grown up at the age of 18 or so..

A tree 84cm tall now 1.1m who much taller has it grown?

26cm taller.

When you are 18 you are grown?

In the US, when you are 18 years old you are viewed as an adult, but usually people stop growing by the age of 20.

When your 18 are you grown?

In the US, when you are 18 years old you are viewed as an adult, but usually people stop growing by the age of 20.

What is the age of Justin Bieber 2012?

I happened to have met Justin Bieber twice over the past few years. I was 5'7'' when I had met him and he was just a bit taller than I was. So unless he has grown, Justin is somewhere around 5'7''.

Can you grow taller at age 23 years or after?

It ias not impossible but it will be very little as most scientist believe you reach the end of your growing years by the age of 18

Are males full grown at the age of 18?

Most of the maturity occurs to the age of 18, however slight growth can still occur until 21 years of age.