Put an Ice Pack on your head, and drink lots of water. asker~ thx a bunch!
You can't. It will take its time. They usually long 8 to 10 days.
Pigeon fever is really hard to get rid of, it swells in the chest part of a horse. Ive been told its contagious..so watch out! wrong it only depends on what type of pigeon you have
The reason why you get a fever is because when you have a cold, your bloodstream has to move really fast to deliver white blood cells to the areas with a lot od viruses. This rapid movemeny creates heat, which creates a fever.
you eat bungiehole
Dr.Rush took blood from fever victims to get rid of the "pestilence".
You do not want to get rid of fast browser search. It can be however got rid with weak internet connection.
school glue smear it on and when its dry you peel it off
You don't. You get rid of them as fast as you can because they really aren't your friend and they'll betray you in a instant.
Maybe your body is trying to get rid of it as fast as possible since it's really not healthy for you. :)
As long as you have it.
You could take some Tylenol (acetominophen).