the benefits are that you have a credit card to give to your mum remember friend it ain't over til the fat lady sings sorry to bring your mum into this
No, make your own friends.
find a new friend."with benifits"
it depends, if you have a friend with benefits that you makout and ect, yes it is cheating BUT, if you have a frend with benefits but you dont do anything sexual then no its not cheating
The benefits is sex, so you would know.
a well relationship. Can share sorrows and happiness with our friend.
Someone you are sleeping with. Friends with benefits means that there is actual friendship aside from the sex.
She's his friend with benefits <3
You and your friend applied at....
A friend you have sex with but are not dating. Not a boyfriend or girlfriend, just a friend with benefits.
It usually means friend with benefits :/ or something like that.
A friend with benefits is a term used to describe a person who you are friends only with, but who you also have a sexually active relationship with. There are no strings attached and no commitment made.