

Best Answer

Its really no recommended but you could get high or a car accident of smashing you head on the dashboard or ceiling of the car.

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Q: How can you forget everything you know i world like to even forget everything i know even how to tie my shoe and what my name is there any way to do this?
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When was Forget Everything You Know created?

Forget Everything You Know was created on 2001-04-01.

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No, it is impossible for someone to know everything because there is too much to know.

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What do you want to know about Italian unification during these years? If you say"Everything," then you can forget it.

Does most of the people know our world?

You would think so but... No. We are all clueless to what is possibly going on. Their are probably many things that not even the most very experienced and educated geniuses don't know. (?) Why would we even have this website if we knew everything?? :]

Do you know everything there is to know in the world?

No, because it is impossible, especially since the world is expanding and new concepts are forming.

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You can't not even his own mother knows everything about him so your answer would be you can so don't even ask anyone else!!

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No they aren't.

Can you know everything in the world?

It would be impossible, even for the smartest person on Earth to know everything. Each day something new is being discovered/developed. A person couldn't simply know this immediately or acquire this information and remember it all. Not only that one person doesn't know every person or personal thing about everything.

Does this world exist?

We cannot be certain of the existence of this planet. If you see something you think it is real, therefore you believe everything other people tell you is real as well. Now, think about this. What if, you were imagining those people? What if this stuff you see is in your imagination? The only way to be know that you yourself exists is to think "I think, therefore I am." If you can successfully think that without hesitation on the first time then you can be certain that you are real and that you are not being dreamt up by some random person. But, is everything in the world there because you see i, or do you see it because it is there? YOU DO NOT KNOW! What you do know is that YOU exist. Remember that, but forget the idea that everything exists and it is a lovely happy world! It isn't and it doesn't.