Yellow cakey outside with white creme inside.
Very high in sugar.
Twinkie was created in 1930.
The Twinkie Squad was created in 1992.
The Twinkie Squad has 194 pages.
they use a nozzle to insert the cream
Twinkie Clark was born on November 15, 1954
Twinkie Clark was born on November 15, 1954
There are 4.5 grams of fat in 1 Hostess Twinkie.
A Twinkie dog is a lunch/dessert combination. A hot dog is cooked, a Twinkie is cut open to be used as the bun, put the hotdog in the Twinkie bun, and squeeze some squeezable cheese over the hot dog.
The ISBN of The Twinkie Squad is 0-590-45250-9.
Mr. Terell Mr. Terell [hence Twinkie Clark Terell]
A Twinkie A Twinkie