Think about how you already control yourself around certain people and in certain places. You are probably on your best behaviour at work or other places where you dont want to 'look bad' or around people you want to impress. Its about action and consequences....if you throw a fit at a public place you may get arrested but if you do it at home you probably wont, so you do it at home. If you throw a fit with a new person you just met they will leave you but your family at home probably wont. So, in other words, you aleady know how to control yourself and your aggressive nature you just need to do it for the people you are close to.
No, not all teachers are aggressive. It depends on their character and human nature.
You can't control the laws of nature. The laws of nature control you.
There are millions of people named Robert in the world. Some people may nourish their aggressive nature by visiting a therapist or exercising.
The Control of Nature was created in 1989.
By nature, golden retriever rottweiler mix dogs are not very aggressive unless they are poorly trained.
That is impossible. as of yet, no one can control lightning as it is a force of nature. As a general rule, man can not control nature.
Mother Nature controls nature and the weather so the answer to that is no sorry
Properly socialized, no. All terriers CAN be nippy, its in their nature.
Pitbulls are not aggressive by nature. They are very trainable and can be trained to defend and guard. They have a horrible reputation of being aggressive that is not true.
There are many reasons people are aggressive. Some grow up with parents who are aggressive and their behavior mimics what they grew up with. Others have a lot of anger. Still others feel more powerful and in control when they are aggressive.