Well. it depends on what is plugging it.
Personally, i would take it to a doctor.
Sound will be heard better in the plugged ear because the unplugged ear will be subjected to competing noises from which the plugged ear is spared
The cast of Ear-Plugged - 1999 includes: Catharine Beaumont as Catharine
Une oreille bouchée
Clarify the answer please?
A plugged ear sensation can be caused by wax buildup, fluid in the ear, ear infection, or changes in air pressure. It is recommended to see a doctor to determine the specific cause and appropriate treatment.
See the doctor. It might just be ear wax you got in there. The doctors will take out the ear wax because the ear wax is blocking your ear drum so it plugged your ears. The doctor takes out your ear wax and your ear gets plugged but then later it opens and you can hear really well.
clear up wax in ear.
you can ose the ability to hear in that ear
Could be fluid in the ear or get your blood pressure checked. Sometimes a pulsation could be a symptom of high blood pressure.
Yes, you should always see a doctor when you are feeling badly. It is possible that you may have an ear infection and will need antibiotics.
At least two weeks.
You don't hear anything. They don't actually have to get there through the outer ear. If your ear is plugged, or if your 'tympanum' (ear drum) is broken, the vibrations can conduct through the bone that you feel behind your ear. But they do have to get to the inner ear somehow. If vibrations don't reach the cochlea in the inner ear, then you don't hear anything.