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By eating snow, uncooked meat or food that has gone bad.

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Q: How can you catch a stomach bug?
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How do you catch a stomach bug?

You can catch a stomach bug by not washing your hands and you can catch it from a friend or family member.

Can I catch a stomach bug a week after someone has had it?

yes you can

How long for a stomach bug to die?

A stomach bug isn't really a bug. It's just a virus it usally last up to a week.

What is the 54th bug in Animal Crossing?

There is no "54th" bug. The 54th bug is the last bug you catch, and any bug could be the last bug you catch. If you mean the last one in the records, than I believe the ant or pill bug.

Can one stomach bug affect people differently?

Yes, you can get viral gastroenteritis (in common terms, a "stomach bug" or "stomach flu") more than once.

How do you catch the bug?

Use your net!

Can you give stomach bug to others?


Can people pass a stomach bug to their dog?


Your 5 year old had stomach cramps vomited early morning then later diarrhea has he got a stomach bug?

Yes but when i get a stomach bug i am throwing up maybe every half hour.

What is a stomach bug?

the stomach bug is when you keep throwing up. if you have it stay out of school/work for 24hours after the last time you throw up.i just means to not feel good, stomach virus.. something of that sort.

In the Matrix what is the name of the bug that the Agents put inside Neo's stomach?

Stomach virus

What is a scientific name for a stomach bug?

Gastroenteritis is the medical term for a stomach bug. It refers to inflammation of the stomach and intestines, commonly caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach pain.