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Take a good long, hard look at yourself. While you may not be the most attractive person in the world, there is something beautiful about you be it inside or outside. Also know that someone may consider you the most beautiful person they've seen. Take heart; you are not ugly.

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You makeup
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Clasy Looks

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15y ago

Learn that there is more to life than looks. The most important things about you are inside, not outside. You probably aren't ugly anyway, and you just think you are. Work on developing your heart, not focusing on your body's imperfections.

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15y ago

Realize that no one is physically ugly, because if everyone looked perfect, no one would be unique, and the beauty would no longer be beautiful. Remember, you put the beauty in the beautiful. Without you, the "pretty" is common, everyday and no longer attractive.

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14y ago

Listen, I believe no one is ugly. Don't doubt yourself! I'm sure your beautiful. Even though I never seen you, I bet your attractive. NO ONE IS UGLY! Most of all enjoy the good things in life! Hope this helps! Stay safe and beautiful!

A second perspective:Not all of us can be Megan Fox or Johnny Depp. Some of us have to be Tim Curry, Phyllis Diller, or James Gandolfini--no slam intended on these fine people. The fact is that physical beauty is far over rated, and not very long lived. True beauty, as cliche as it may seem, comes from the spirit. Happiness comes from the same place, strangly enough. How many times have you known a physically attractive person with whom it was torture to spend time? If you are happy, people will find you to be attractive. You could have a second head sprouting from your neck, but if you are fun to be around, no one will care.
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12y ago

You don't accept it because it isn't true.

The real risk is that you genuinely believe that you'll always be alone and that you're ugly so you isolate yourself by avoiding other people. But if you do that then you never will meet anyone and it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. The important thing is not to listen to that voice in your head that tells you you're ugly and that no one will like you because it is wrong. This is important because that little voice is quite an insidious thing. It will make you feel bad about yourself and these negative feelings can become an automatic response. Don't let that little voice of doubt win (it might sometimes seem like a big voice, but you can still beat it).

A person can be their own worst critic seeing flaws or problems with themselves that other people don't even notice, however to the person concerned these seem like very real and serious problems. Some people also suffer from a problem known as body dysmorphia where they don't see themselves as they truly are and believe there is something wrong with their appearance that isn't actually real. In these cases it would be important to go and speak to a trained councillor or therapist as this can be very debilitating (it basically stops you enjoying a happy life) but they can help!

It sounds like you have very low self esteem and so are lacking in confidence. It might be a good idea to talk to a friend you can trust or ideally someone like a therapist or counsellor who is professionally qualified to help deal with problems like this.

A good way of improving self belief and confidence is to start a program of exercise (this may seem odd, but exercise produces chemicals in the brain which make you feel better about yourself and doctors recommend exercise to help fight depression). Exercise also has another benefit in that it can help with weight loss and or toning which will also improve self confidence. Also exercise can be a good way of meeting new people (you could maybe join a walking or hiking club for example) and socialising with others is a good way of proving that voice wrong.

It's also worth remembering that you're not the only person to feel like this and that help is there, you just need to ask for it.

"It is rewarding to find someone you like, but it is essential to like yourself. It is quickening to recognize that someone is a good and decent human being, but it is indispensable to view yourself as acceptable. It is a delight to discover people who are worthy of respect and admiration and love, but it is vital to believe yourself deserving of these things. ~Jo Coudert"

There are a number of charities and organisations that offer advice to people in your position (like it says above, you're not alone) and there are some related links that are well worth reading below.

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Lvl 5
1y ago

Focus on self-acceptance, positive qualities, and personal growth. Seek supportive relationships and prioritize mental and physical well-being. Remember, self-worth isn't solely based on appearance. If needed, consider seeking professional support.

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8y ago

No one is ugly or beautiful so don't worry there is no such thing as ugly or beautiful or cute or horrible etc.

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10y ago

Ugly is just a word for the physical beauty. It is no measure how the person is beautiful from the inside.

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Be confident in yourself. He/she obviously likes u or being a really good friend. Hope this helped!!! (:

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ugly bum head to all of you

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You can't see how ugly you really are. (: And you can't hear yourself fart. However, you can SMELL it. <3

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To make yourself fine if you are ugly you start with your confidence. Tell yourself you're pretty. You can also go and get a make-over and change you hairstyle.

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Stop looking ugly, nobody likes looking at you if you are ugly.

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first of all, do NOT call yourself ugly, there are plenty of girls who are smart and do not judge a boy by his looks but rather by the way he speaksand acts. This being said, if you think of yourself as ugly sometimes that will come through in your mannerisms, so always think positive about yourself , when you do that people will see the real you and that is what it is all about, NOT how a person looks. And if Girls Do Call You Ugly Hit Them And The Face And Some Women That Try To Flirt With You To And Boys Because Some Boys Are Mean As Hell