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Drinking and smoking both affect the brain. It's growth will be stunted and above average stupidity will usually result.

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Q: How can underage drinking and smoking affect their adulthood?
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How does drinking affect you physically?

when your underage and drinlking it affects your organs because there not fully developed and it can affect yoor organs long term

Will underage drinking affect your auto insurance?

Any driving offense related to the consumption of alcohol will result in increased auto insurance rates, whether the offender is underage or not.

Are their any effects from smoking or drinking while you have the IUD?

The effects of smoking and drinking are the same with and without hte IUD.

Does an underage drinking ticket disqualify you from getting in the air force?

If that is the only mark on your juvenile record, it is unlikely to affect your enlistment.

Can drinking and smoking during the conception process negatively affect the foetus?

Have a look at the link below The effect of maternal drinking

Is underage drinking good?

NO! Definately not. Drinking can be good for adults, in fact a glass of red wine a day is extremely good for you. (if you are over 18!!) But certainly not. Underage drinking is against the law and it's not good for you so why do it? It stunts your growth, for a start. It can affect your behaviour. I could go on forever. Don't be pressured in to things your friends do.

How does underage drinking effect the society?

Underage drinking has many negative effects on society.* Underage drinking is a leading health problem in the United States.* Each year, approximately 5,000 young people under the age of 21 die as a result of underage drinking; this includes about 1,900 deaths from motor vehicle crashes, 1,600 as a result of homicides, 300 from suicide, as well as hundreds from other injuries such as falls, burns, and drownings.* Underage drinking causes young people to get bad grades such as D's and F's in school. This can and will affect the young persons future.* Younger children and adolescents start to drink, they have a greater chance to engage in behaviors that harm themselves and others.

How do food and medicines affect the brain?

by eating or drinking alcholic drinks taking a drugs and lastly by smoking

How would underage drinking affect arthroscopic knee surgery?

Firstly, underage drinking is illegal and shouldn't happen regardless of surgery. Secondly, drinking post-surgery inhibits your reaction time and your logical thinking so you may think you are healing better than you actually are and you may end up hurting yourself more via overexertion.

8 Youth Risk factors that affect cardiovascular fitness in adulthood?

Some youth risk factors that affect cardiovascular fitness in adulthood includes: - Genetics - Exercise - Diet - Vaccination - Sleep - Medical care - Mental health - Stress - Smoking - Obesity - Drug use - Hygiene

If you drink and smoke while trying to make a baby could it less affect the chance?

No it will not. Drinking and smoking will affect the baby once it´s there though.