

How can the sun affect us?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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14y ago

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It can burn us. Sometimes it can hurt us too.

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Q: How can the sun affect us?
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Yes, the sun gives us sun burns, the rain makes us wet and the snow makes us cold.

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Does the sun affect earth?

Yes! Without the sun we would not be able to survive. It grows our plants and gives us heat. THE SUN IS VERY IMPORTANT.

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Ozone affects us in positive way. it protects us from the harmful UV radiations of the sun.

How does the atmosphere affect the sun?

The atmosphere absorbs and scatters some of the sun's radiation, affecting how much sunlight actually reaches the Earth's surface. It also helps regulate the Earth's temperature by trapping heat through the greenhouse effect. Additionally, the atmosphere can produce beautiful phenomena like sunsets and sun halos due to the way it interacts with sunlight.

How does the sun affect the atmosphere?

The atmosphere does not affect the sun. If anything the sun affects the atmosphere.

How does the ozone layer affect you?

Ozone protects us from harmful UV rays. These are harmful radiations of the sun.

How does the sun affect the movement of air?

The sun heats up the Earth unevenly, causing variations in temperature. This temperature difference leads to the formation of air currents and wind as warmer air rises and cooler air sinks, creating movement in the atmosphere. The sun's energy is essentially the driving force behind the circulation of air on Earth.

Why does the sun's rays effect us now more than ever?

information on scientific facts that you have fond and how the suns rays affect us

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The phases of the moon? Well as the moon revolves around us the sun shines on it differently causing different phase.

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