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Poor diet causes malnutrition of the children. In fact, children need diet rich in vitamins, minerals for their optimum growth. On the contrary children from the poor strata of the society get diet having no nutritional value. They suffer from various malnutritional diseases and become the burden of the society,instead of becoming the Futures of the Nation.

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12y ago
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11y ago

Income, age, gender and ethnicity are but a few that effect your diet.

Food poverty is something you can find lots of research on which relates to income and diet...

hope this helps...

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15y ago

Diabetes and Asthma are 2 common health related issues link to poor diet because of excessive weight gain

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16y ago

they will have a bad nutrition bad health they will become weak their immune system will weak and they will easily get sick.

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16y ago

if you don't feel comfortable about your body then you wont really want to be around many people, your scared they might judge you. there is a number of things that is affecting that.

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15y ago

Malnutrition, lack of energy, reduced immune system

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no, but it does affect your matabolism

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Yes. A healthy diet with plenty of vitamins and minerals is essential for fetal development. Newer research shows that in particular it is the B vitamins that are the most important for proper brain development, among other things.

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it is important that you have a diet. chilren should he a diet too.

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1. Heredity and genetic factors. 2. Environmental factors. 3. Physical surroundings. 4. Social factors. 5. Nutritious diet. 6. Education.

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The term Diet is what usually draws people's attentions to diet sodas such as Diet Coke. However, you may want to consider that Diet Coke does affect your metabolism, and not in a good way. It can slow your body down and give you a feeling of sluggishness that will adversely affect what you are trying to do to increase your metabolism.

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