Don't worry about being shy, because "shy" is refreshing in this day and age. There are more people out there that are shy than not. It's best if you let him tell you how he feels and he'll probably do this as your relationship goes on. If you aren't dating then it's OK to ask him out, but before you do, be sure you are mentally ready for rejection. None of us like rejection, but all of us have experienced it. Being attracted to someone is all about chemistry and it either mixes or it doesn't. Don't risk a good relationship because you are afraid of being rejected. It's not personal. I'd rather someone be honest with me than take me for a ride I don't want to be on. So, take a deep breath, and do something about this. Don't tell him you like him, just take it slow and easy and let him make the first move. Body language says it all. Good luck Marcy
You don't have to start with a doctor. There are several self help books out there that are much less expensive. I did go to a psychologist for 2 sessions, but then quit. I later bought a book about overcoming shyness, and it had the same thing that he told me in 1-2 pages of information. Many books say that shyness is NOT just a personality trait, and that it can be overcome. Many people become shy at a certain age- for instance, the teenage years, and then grow out of it. Books also seem to suggest gradually submitting yourself to things that make you anxious. Some people are shy in many situations, and some are only anxious in one- ex. going out on a date. Seek information, like you are doing on the internet- at forums, on websites, etc. If at all possible, hang around people that aren't snobby or judgemental over silly things. Taking a job that requires you to be more outgoing, like someone else suggested might be a good idea also. I was a waitress a few years ago, and I think that it helped me to be more outgoing . If none of this helps enough, then I would think about going to a doctor, maybe for medication or something like that. One of my best friends took paxil and she said that it really helped her. Use your own judgment to decide. Don't be afraid to ask others for their opinion.
AnswerGo to your doctor and tell him you have social anxiety or depression. The doctor will probably prescribe an SSRI like Lexapro or Paxil, and this may significantly help with your shyness. It may also help to see a therapist. AnswerNot a good place for an answer to that question because the solution may not be a simple fix. However, that being said try to understand the internal fears that promote your shyness, and take steps to work through them understanding that it won't be easy. Success usually comes from lots of previous failures. AnswerI'm wondering why you want to get rid of shyness. It's a part of your personality and who you are! However, if you feel that you fear certain situations and its negatively affecting your life, maybe you should try doing something "outgoing" to overcome the shyness. Take a public speaking course. Join a theatre group. Get a part time job in sales or customer service.I don't think you can totally get RID of shyness. You may be able to lessen it. Keep in mind that even some celebrities are shy. They are able to act on stage or film and make public appearances but are unable to approach people for conversations. There's nothing wrong with that!
~ T
AnswerOne more thing --DO NOT jump on the medication bandwagon until you do FULL RESEARCH about the drug you may want to go on. If you're thinking about Lexapro, for example, read all you can online (from people who've USED it - not necessarily from doctors) and what's involved with usage and withdrawal.
I immediately jumped to taking Lexapro after a traumatic event in life and boy do I regret it! If I had only known then what I know now! Do some research first!
Being nervous is a normal thing. If it is before you give a speech or just simply meet someone new, being nervous just happens. To not be as nervous, keep your mind off of the thing that is bothering you by watching T.V., playing on your phone, or any other activity. This always helps me and will hopefully help you.
It is difficult to overcome shyness but there are coping stragegies. One of them is to put oneself knowingly into a difficult situation like trying something in a beginner's group or a trial of something, whereby everyone is on the same page. Alternatively, one could get a friend to help one break down barriers in perceived difficult situations.
One good solution is to chew gum! No matter the flavour.. it is theorized that Chewing Gum helps bring down anxiety levels. The reason is simple. Anxiety is brought on by your "fight-or-flight" response which came from way back when in the past, when we had to be alert for danger at all times. However, if you are eating or chewing something, it sends a message to your brain that "How can there be danger if I'm eating?". Hope this works! Best of luck!
One of the best ways to overcome shyness when it comes to guys is to talk to them in group situations because one on one situations can be a little daunting. Be confident in who you are and don't worry too much. Just talk and smile and be yourself.
The answer depends quite a bit on your age. Those who are naturally shy when young will often grow out of their shyness as they become more confident with age. Persistent or chronic shyness into adulthood can be overcome with psychotherapy.
If you strongly believe you can overcome it you will
Just be yourself
Overcome your shyness.
Shyness is a normal thing. I would know this, because I am quite shy myself. But what you do to overcome shyness is to simply BELIEVE in yourself, just get that urge and think "I can do this", because you CAN overcome it. Talk about how you feel with someone you can trust, such as a relative or someone who has had experience. Shyness is perfectly fine and there is completely nothing wrong with it. Always believe in yourself and you will overcome it no matter what anyone says! :):):)
Well, if you like him, tell him how you feel. If he turns you down, you can feel good knowing you overcame your shyness. I can't make you overcome your shyness, nobody can, we can only help you. It is up to you to overcome it.
A solution for shyness is exposure. Getting out in the world and exposing yourself to people will help to overcome some of the symptoms of shyness. It is a gradual process, but someone who is shy sometimes isolates themselves from others or hides in the background and may find it hard to take that first step in getting better. I wrote an article on some ways to overcome or control the feelings of shyness. Here is the link if you are interested in reading it.
dont think of her as somebody you like, or would like to take on a date. think of her as one of your friendz, and the shynezz should ease up
she will progress in talking to you and soon you will talk all the time it happend to me
The real secret to overcoming shyness is this: think about the other person. It sounds simple, but it's true. As long as you are focused on others ... who they are, what they like, what might be helpful to them ... you won't feel anxious about yourself.
if you are a naturally shy person, it's very hard to overcome shyness in a relationship because just the openness of relationships alone create a crazy amount of shyness for shy people. Just remember that they are there to see you, and if you're all worried and quite then they wont see the best of you, which is what you want them to see right! I'd rather regret something I did/went for, instead of something that I was too shy to attempt.