With my kids some symptoms were like me and my husband, while others were developmental, because of their young age. So, in 5 years in a mouldy house we (altogether) suffered things like the following: Asthma, chronic urticaria, chronic angioedema, slow speech, autistic traits, night terrors, imaginary friends, depressed immune system, admission of 11 month old baby to hospital with 41.1 degree celcius temp who had to be treated as if he had meningococcal disease - all they could tell us was that it was probably a viral/bacterial infection of the lining of the brain, IBS, dark urine, lots of unexplained rashes, tinnitus, general muscular aches and pains, toenails and fingernails curling under at the end, boils on head and forehead, lots of tonsilitis + chest infections + ear infections, slowish walking as babies (didn't start 'til 18 months +), affected balance, affected hearing, very poor concentration, uncontrollable anger in children on occasion, lots of blood noses, sinus, and so forth. I've put everything in more detail on a website about our mouldy house. We've been out of it for over a year now and our little man who could only say 2 words a year ago has totally caught up with speech, our little girl with autistic traits (used to stare vacantly at you) is now able to go to normal school full-time next year, the one with night terrors and imaginary friends who started to get nasty now does not believe in imaginary friends anymore (and her grades have improved and she no longer gets violently angry). We lost 2 of our 3 pets to cancer as a result of that house. All of us (including remaining pet) have been taking (as general supplementation) liquid zeolite and liposomal glutathione for some time now. Actually, the cat isn't on the latter as I don't know whether it's OK for cats... Hope this helps. Remember to use 80/20 vinegar/water to kill mould, especially on porous substances, as bleach should not be used on porous substances.
Regarding mold in a home- not all (actually, MOST) mold is not harmful to people. One form (Stachibatrys) has caused health problems with some people. Mold will grow where there are mold spores (they are everywhere on earth) food (cellulose- paper or wood) the right temperatures, and water. Controlling water is the key. Yes, a home can be cleaned (disinfected) of mold. KEEP the home cleaned, keep air circulating, prevent high humidity levels, you will prevent regrowth. Mold has been one of the major panic buttons recently- but mold has been around longer than human beings.
Mold Allergies would affect a person's health like any other allergies. Some symptoms could be excessive sneezing, troubled breathing, or itches around the face or body parts. Mold allergies is one of many common allergies people are allergic to.
Mold on honey can affect its quality and safety for consumption by producing toxins that can be harmful to health. It is important to discard honey with mold to avoid potential health risks.
Mold on blackberries can make them taste bad and unsafe to eat. Mold can produce toxins that can cause illness if consumed. It's best to discard blackberries with mold to avoid potential health risks.
Mold on cashews can affect their quality and safety for consumption by producing toxins that can cause illness. It can also alter the taste and texture of the cashews, making them unpleasant to eat. It is important to discard cashews with mold to avoid potential health risks.
Mold on sauerkraut can affect its safety and quality by producing toxins that can make it unsafe to eat. It can also change the flavor and texture of the sauerkraut, making it less enjoyable to consume. It is important to discard sauerkraut that has mold on it to avoid potential health risks.
Yes, light can affect the growth of mold. Mold typically thrives in dark, damp environments. Exposure to light can inhibit the growth of mold by disrupting its reproductive cycle and reducing its ability to spread. However, the impact of light on mold growth can vary depending on the type of mold and other environmental factors.
Mold usually thrive in damp environments.
Dry rot itself does not directly affect human health. However, the presence of dry rot fungus in a building may indicate damp conditions which can lead to mold growth. Mold can produce spores that when inhaled, can cause respiratory issues and exacerbate allergies in some individuals.
Yes, it is important for a renter to have any information that could affect their health. A renter has the right to know if the apartment complex passed inspection. how do i get rid of black mold in the shower area
yes it does!!!
Yes, sugar can affect the growth of mold because it provides a food source for mold to thrive. Mold requires nutrients to grow, and sugar is a common food source for many types of mold. Storing items with sugar in a dry, cool place can help prevent mold growth.
Yes, mold in HVAC systems can be dangerous to human health as it can release spores and toxins that can cause respiratory issues and other health problems when inhaled. Regular maintenance and cleaning of HVAC systems can help prevent mold growth and protect human health.
You don't necessarily die from having mould in your home. However the longer you live with it, the more chance it will affect your health.