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Micro organisms include bacteria. Bacteria can make you sick.

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Q: How can micro oganisms effect your health?
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Where can you find micro - oganisms?

you can find micro organisms every where

Where do micro oganisms live?

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What conditions do micro-oganisms like yeast and mould need to grow?

they need heat or sunlight

Which type of micro-oganisms can cause disease?

Almost all microorganism can cause disease.those which cause disease are known as Pathogens.

What are ogans?

oganisms are people

Why mask used in food production area?

There are a number of reasons; Food production produces micro fibre or duct i.e. Flour The operative has facial hair The operative may have a potential germ transmission issue There are airborne micro organisms that can effect health

What are the health effects of liquefied petroleum gas?

No effect on health No effect on health

In commensalism is any of the oganisms harmed?

no organism is harmed.

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Micro-climatic factors involve things in the environment that have an effect on climate. Turbulence, humidity, tundra's, and frost are all micro-climatic factors.

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Metallic products can get micro-deffects.

Sperm is good for health?

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