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There are many over the counter medicines that are sold to get rid of nasal congestion that can be purchased at your local drug store. You can also try hot beverages and bed rest.

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Q: How can i get rid of my nasal congestion ?
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I recommend vaporizing and using sprays like vicks vapor nasal spray.

Can you explain the concept of Congestion?

Congestion refers to a blockage. Nasal congestion is referring to a stuffy or blocked nasal cavity usually due to inflammation.

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Sleeping with a fan and nasal congestion?

Same problem here. Ceiling or table fan creates nasal congestion.

Treatment of neonatal nasal congestion?

Treatment for neonatal nasal congestion include saline drops, vaporizer, and a bulb syringe.

What are some causes of nasal congestion?

Nasal congestion can be caused by a common cold. It can also be caused by seasonal allergies and from dust, dirt, etc.

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How can nasal congestion cause snoring?

Nasal congestion. Colds and allergies can plug the nose, creating a vacuum in the throat that results in snoring as airflow increases.

What over the counter medicine can you take for nasal congestion?

Nasanex and Clairiton are both brand name products which are over the counter nasal decongestants. Sudafed and Dimetapp are both prescription medications which can also treat nasal congestion. The Neti Pot is a non-oral treatment. It's a device which is used in the nasal passages.

How do you use the word congestion in a sentence?

There was some congestion on the roads. A stuffy nose is also known as a congestion in your nasal cavities.

Are neti pots useful?

The use of a Neti pot will definitely help with nasal congestion. It may not be the most pleasant experience, but from my experiences it completely cleared my nasal congestion.

Meanig of conjestion?

Congestion typically refers to a situation where there is excessive traffic or crowding in a particular area, leading to delays or difficulty in movement. It can also refer to a blockage or accumulation of fluid in a bodily organ or passage, such as nasal congestion.