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Woman dont need help to last longer in bed for the whole reason that even after they have an orgasm they can keep on going.. men however are a different story :D

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Q: How can a woman last longer in bed?
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Snorting Coke is not good for anything! Coke is for losers. If you want to last longer in bed masturbate before you go out on a date!

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A painting of a woman on the arms of his man would be a good painting parody for the last bed.

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if you're saying that as a woman, you want a woman in your effects your husband, because you are no longer attracted to men. lets face it, you're a lesbian.

What type of men last longer in bed?

if a man has been embalmed, he will last for years.

Do peanuts make a man last longer in bed?

No, there is no food item that has such effect.

Does smoking marijuana help you last longer in bed?

No, but it will make male breasts bigger.

Is a queen bed longer than a double bed?

I do believe that a queen bed is longer and bigger than a double bed:)

How lond does a woman last in intercourse?

Very few people can last longer than 12 minutes during intercourse

Can 5 hour power energy drink cause you to get soft in bed?

It makes you harder and also you last for longer

Is there any medicine of sexual excitment for ladies?

Yes Definitely,There is no safe and even effective allopathic medicine for this problem, but there are many natural herbs and supplements that cause an increase in the drive of a woman. There is an abundance of Ayurvedic medicines for female excitement that take you last longer in bed.