The phrase "give her head" is slang for performing oral sex on a woman.
If she has a penis then yes , yes she can receive one and give one lol
Well you tell her the truth about your afare with this ho, and maybe she will give you sex for telling the truth.
Maybe if she was High or Drunk she might but, if I wanted head from a woman I would of married a Straight female not a Lesbian Shemale...
Carmen Miranda was one and Charo was another.
It means that the guy want that woman to remember him forever. A guy can give his photograph to another woman only if he considers her a good friend.
"The head of a man is Christ and the head of a woman is a man." Meaning a woman without a head covering dishonor not only her man but herself, a woman with no dignity.
There is another chair opposite the woman.
Head of a Woman - Delacroix - was created in 1823.
See 1st Corinthians 13:1-13. Give him head
When you defeat the 5th gym leader and when you leave the gym head to the left and a woman will give you the HM
not unless you are massively flexible. Some men can give themselves head, although i have never seen such a case with a woman.