Every person is a product of their genetics. 'Manboobs' would also be determined by genetics but could probably be augmented by hormones if desired.
NO WAY! They are not a good thing.
because of his manboobs
by getting fat
"Bernard" is a male first name and is therefore a masculine noun, invariable because it is a first name.
Farmer in french is: un Fermier (masculin or a male farmer) or une fermiére ( feminin or a female farmer)
In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for male or female, such as male and female.The noun 'exercise' is a neuter noun, a word for a thing that has no gender.
Liga I Feminin was created in 1990.
its masculine
Actrice is feminin;the masculin version is acteur
faux is masculin. feminin of faux is fausse.
SAY : That's muscle. Something that you don't have.