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because tomato spoils faster

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Q: How can a food spoils faster when it has a tomato ingredient?
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Does food containing mayonnaise spoil slower then others?

no mayo spoils faster

How come there are more cases of food poisoning in summer?

Because food spoils faster in warmer weather.

How does light affect the rate at which food spoils?

Yes, light makes food spoil faster. Energy causes decay and deterioration. Light is a form of energy,and the more energy exposed to the food, the more quickly food will spoil.

What happened to food that is not preserved?

It spoils.

How long is food good in the fridge before it spoils?

Food can typically last in the fridge for 3-5 days before it spoils.

What is Beijing food main ingredient?

Beijing food does not have a main ingredient. Anything could be the main ingredient. It depend on the food.

How long is food good for in the fridge before it spoils?

Food is generally safe to eat for about 3-4 days in the fridge before it spoils.

What happens if you drink tomato food?

You turn into a tomato.

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It spoils it

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