If she was adopted, there is a record of her biological parent, call the adoption agency she came from. if she wasnt adopted it almost impossible to find the biological mother.
if she's the biological mother
A 17 year old named Tina. The rest is confidential.
the child is in cps custody and is telling everyone that they don't want to return to the abuse in the adoptive home and wants to live with their biological mother does the twelve year old have rights here in Arizona
Only if the biological father of the 17-year-old has had his paternal rights terminated either voluntarily or by order of the court.
Can a 16 yr old move out of an abusive home where he lives with step dad because him and his biological mother have no relations due to a ugly divorce and move to his biological grandparents in alberta
the kid, no, he has the right to contact his true parent. it's the law now.
Not choose, but in Pennsylvania, a stepfather can file for custody.
You need to obtain the biological mother's consent. You should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody and adoption issues.You need to obtain the biological mother's consent. You should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody and adoption issues.You need to obtain the biological mother's consent. You should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody and adoption issues.You need to obtain the biological mother's consent. You should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody and adoption issues.
yes this could happen. his real mother could have signed over her rights to his now stepmother.
A step-parent has no legal rights regarding your child. The biological mother has visitation rights and other rights when the child is in her custody.
Can someone answer this question for me?
she is 43 year old