

How can Mercury harm you?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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14y ago

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Mercury is poisonous, and you could get intoxicated by touching it or breathing in its vapours. Toxic effects include damage to the brain, kidney, and lungs. Mercury poisoning can result in several diseases, including Acrodynia (pink disease), Hunter-Russell Syndrome, and Minamata disease. It is also very bad for the environment, and for these reasons they have ceased using it to make many products such as thermometers and fluorescent lamps in case of a spill/leak or accident.

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Q: How can Mercury harm you?
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What harm does Mercury do to the environment?

Mercury cause damages to the brain. Cause damages to the chromosomes and DNA. And very harmful to the nervous system.

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A mercury thermometer is the most dangerous if it breaks because mercury is a toxic substance that can harm human health and the environment. If a mercury thermometer breaks, it is important to follow proper cleanup procedures to avoid exposure to the mercury.

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Most likely the heat, it is the hottest planet. Not even Mercury is as hot as Venus.

Why is mercury rarely use in thermometers for body trmperatures?

Mercury is poisonous... If the thermometer is broken - it could cause harm. It's safer to use alcohol thermometers - or electronic ones.

Why do you need Mercury in your body?

Mercury is a toxic heavy metal that can harm the nervous system, kidneys, and brain. Even low levels of mercury exposure over time can be harmful. It is important to limit exposure and try to reduce mercury levels in the body to avoid health issues.

What is planet mercury's poison?

Mercury itself is not poisonous, but mercury compounds can be toxic when ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin. Exposure to mercury can cause harm to the nervous system, kidneys, and other organs. It is important to handle mercury and its compounds with caution and follow safety guidelines when working with them.

Can breaking a thermometer harm you?

Breaking a mercury thermometer can be harmful as mercury is toxic. It is important to clean it up carefully using gloves and avoid touching the mercury with bare hands. If mercury is ingested, inhaled, or comes into contact with skin, it can lead to health issues, so it's best to contact a professional for cleanup.

Is 25 mcg mercury dangerous to humans?

Yes, exposure to 25 mcg of mercury can be dangerous to humans, especially if it is ingested or inhaled. Mercury is a toxic substance that can accumulate in the body over time and potentially cause harm to the nervous system, kidneys, and other organs. It is important to limit exposure to mercury as much as possible.

How do you replace side window of a Mercury Villager?

If you don't have experience doing this I suggest you take it to a glass shop, or you could do more harm than good.

What will happen if you swallow mercury besides being poison?

My aviation Doctor - prob. the highest in his field said swallowing mercury isn't as bad as you think - most will pass out, causing no harm. That's why it's mad that the NHS has banned mercury thermometers.... On balance, it's the vapour that does the harm. If you have it your fillings then it is continually releasing vapour. Fact. Dentists who still give fillings with mercury in them seem to think mercury somehow changes when it's in teeth so it won't give off vapour and won't get into your body through your porous teeth!? So it's safe!? Ask any chemistry student/employee/dictionary!