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You know if someone is sad if they are look sad.

Maybe if they are you can comfort them by hugging them or asking them what is bothering them.

Everyone is sad at one stage in their lives but if you are tell someone and they can tell you.

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if the mysterious noises that you heard every night stop, and is replaced by the sound of "talking"

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The best way to know how someone is feeling is to ask them! You can usually tell someone is sad because they don't smile and don't seem to enjoy the things they usually do.

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Q: How can I tell if he is happy or sad?
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well... first you put your both hands together . Now tell someone to see your hand the other side that you are seeing . If they see a happy face then that means your future is going to be hapy, but if they see it sad then it means you future is going to sad. well... first you put your both hands together . Now tell someone to see your hand the other side that you are seeing . If they see a happy face then that means your future is going to be hapy, but if they see it sad then it means you future is going to sad.

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