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Funny answer: Press ctrl + B

Seriously, you would learn to be more confident, maybe take some Martial Arts, and stand up for what you believe more.

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Q: How become bold in nature?
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What does it mean if a Pokemon has a bold nature?

pokemon with bold nature has increased defence stat and decreased attack stat... try to google full list of all natures...

A sentence with bold in it?

The same lines across different versions become bold upon clicking.

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June 20,1782

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You type your word here,thenExample:HeeyyIt will then become bold.

Can a gift of nature become a resource in the future?

it will become a resource in the future

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My cautious nature provides a needed equipoise to my husband's bold and fearless behavior.

How do you start as torchic in pokemon mystery dungeon blue rescue team?

If ur a boy, u need to get the bold nature, and if ur a girl, get the hardy nature.

How do you learn more about nature and become a nature lover?

We come to know about nature by saving it or getting attrated towards nature.We can become nature lover by helping nature i.e. we can plant trees & save it.

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What does the name Raheem mean?

Raheem, of Arabic origin means: compassionate.